Avios For Thoughts is a free, online survey community exclusively for members of:
to bring you Avios For Thoughts: an online survey program that rewards you for your opinions
And the best part?
You don’t need to spend a single penny.
Your opinion is more important than you realise.
Did you know that top brands around the world use feedback from people like you to improve and develop their products and services.
Surveys are therefore a crucial part of market research. It's through online surveys that we connect you to your favourite brands so that your voice gets heard (and it gets heard loud and clear).
We take privacy and data security seriously. So much so that we have several checks in place to keep your data :
We'll only use your information for market research purposes, and we'll never sell or share your data with 3rd parties.
We're also members of the following market research governing bodies and follow their codes of conduct:
Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’ll be more than happy to help.